Latest Release Note
October 3, 2022
Aurachain v3.17.0
Here’s What’s New in Aurachain v3.17
This latest version of the Aurachain platform is designed to give you more control and greater flexibility when building and managing your applications. A brand new module is introduced, alongside major enhancements to Approval Matrix activity, the interface builder, and task delegation.
As always, there are also a number of tweaks and improvements under the hood in this version to improve your Aurachain experience.
What’s new?
New Module: Search Perspectives
A major feature introduced with Aurachain v3.17 is a new building module that tailors the search experience of different user profiles in each Aurachain application.
Now the application builder can create different types of search perspectives adapted to specific user needs, and you are able to control what they see and how they see it.
With the new Search Perspective Builder, you can:
- Configure the filters that will be used in a search perspective
- Configure the access to data model attributes
- Choose whether to display the process diagram or not
- Configure the ability to save filters
- Configure how the table layout and columns are displayed for end users
- Configure the ability to export data
- Add a custom interface to each perspective to build a consistent experience for all users
- Configure sorting and column settings capabilities
In the management area, you are able to add, duplicate, edit and delete search perspectives as well as configure each user’s access to them.
Easily run custom reports
Gain insights into large categories of end users
In the management area, you are able to add, duplicate, edit and delete search perspectives as well as configure each user’s access to them.
Use Cases
Create tailored search perspectives to gain deeper insights into key process data such as:
Credit requests that are pending
Records that are issued in a certain period
Credit requests that are issued in a certain branch
Requests that are approved on a particular day in a specific branch
Tickets registered by a certain customer
Open accounts in a certain branch and period
Main Screens

Screenshot 1: Building in Aurachain platform

Screenshot 2: Consume in Aurachain platform
Learn more about Perspective Builder in our Getting Started with Aurachain documentation.
Approval Matrix Enhancements
The approval matrix feature receives an important enhancement to its approval mechanism. You can now select between a unanimous approval or a minimum number of required approvals for each configured decision group.
Each decision group can be configured to take a singular or a group decision. The singular decision is taken by a single user in the name of the group, while the group decision requires a specific number of group members to approve an outcome in order to continue the process.
You can set the required number of approvals manually or configure them to set dynamically using data model attributes. This enhanced capability also comes with an improved experience to the way users configure approval matrix outcomes and to how the audit is displayed in the timeline.
Enhanced decision making with variables
Better governance capabilities inside built apps
Improved user experience when configuring approval matrix outcomes and when the audit is displayed in the timeline
Use Cases
Credit contracts that require approval from two people in the contract management department and one in the risk department to move forward
Payments that must be approved by a different number of stakeholders depending on the destination country
Acquisition requests that need only one management approval to move forward
Main Screens

Screenshot 3.
Learn more about how you can configure an Approval Matrix activity in our Getting Started with Aurachain documentation.
UI Builder Improvements
We have improved the scripts area in several ways to increase the efficiency of building the interface.
You can now make the script editor easier on the eye by switching to dark mode.
When writing scripts, the elements panel is displayed, and you can find & insert the code of a UI element.
The total number of errors will now show at the bottom of the editor, and you are now able to search inside scripts. Finally, you are now able to see what shortcut keys are available in this area.
You can set the required number of approvals manually or configure them to set dynamically using data model attributes. This enhanced capability also comes with an improved experience to the way users configure approval matrix outcomes and to how the audit is displayed in the timeline.
Better code readability
Increased productivity when working with scripting area
Improved overall experience of scripts inside the UI Builder
Main Screens

Screenshot 4.
Learn more about Interface Builder and how you can configure Interface elements and containers in our Getting Started with Aurachain documentation.
Dynamic Document Names
As part of the new release, we have included a new feature which allows the users to include data model and system variables as part of the document name. Therefore, when the document is generated, the name will dynamically change based on the data stored within the attributes.
The dynamic document name functionality can be accessed through either the Diagrams module or the Interface builder module.
Improved user experience with a much more intuitive process
Increased productivity due to automation, less time spent on manually changing document names
Use Cases
Contracts that include names.
Documents that include the current date and time.
User flow for interface building
- The user will then be able to change the document name from the ‘Filename’ field, part of the Generate Document settings.
- By selecting the ‘Data Model’ button, the user will be able to add data model and system variables to the document name.
- The user creates a document template from the Document Builder Module.
- Enters the Interface Builder module and adds a Generate Document button as part of the existing interface.
User flow for diagram creation
- The user creates a document template from the Document Builder Module.
- Enters the Diagrams module and adds a Generate Document activity.
- Within the Generate Document activity, the user chooses the document template previously created.
- The user then goes to the ‘Custom document name’ area to add either data model or system variables by selecting the ‘Data Model’ button.
User flow for diagram creation

Screenshot 5: Interface builder in Aurachain platform

Screenshot 6: Diagrams in Aurachain platform
Learn more about how you can create a Document Template and how you how to make a document name dynamic in our Getting Started with Aurachain documentation.
Delegation Assignee Pool Improvements
The task delegation screen has been split into ‘My delegation’ and ‘Delegations Received from Other Users’, where users will now be able to see a list of all incoming delegations.
An email address field replaces the user selector to increase the level of security.
Users will be updated on the status of delegations via notifications and will be able to either Accept or Reject received delegations directly from the ‘Delegations received from other users’ area.
Greater flexibility for the users when receiving delegations
Regular updates on delegation statuses
Increased security
Use Cases
A user delegates new incoming tasks and tasks that are already underway in a period when that user is out of office.
Main Screens

Screenshot 7: Task Delegation interface in Aurachain

Screenshot 8: New delegation area in Aurachain
Learn more about how to delegate your tasks in our Getting Started with Aurachain documentation.
Date-Time Format Translations
We have introduced the option for users to select the language in which date and time formats are displayed within documents and notifications.
The language of the date and time format can be changed from the ‘Date and time format’ picker that opens whenever a user selects a date, time or dateTime.
Each individual date, time or dateTime variable can be set to a different language within the same document or notification.
Greater flexibility for cases when there is a need for a document or notification written in multiple languages.
Use Cases
A single document is written in both English and Romanian. In this case we can have the current date variable set to English and a separate current date variable set to Romanian within the same document template.
Main Screen

Screenshot 9: Multi date-time picker in Aurachain
Learn more about how you can create a Document Template and how you can choose the language in which the date and time format will be displayed in our Getting Started with Aurachain documentation.
General Performance Improvements
- OnClick event for checkboxes
A new OnClick event can be attached to individual checkboxes and triggers when the respective checkbox is selected or deselected via a user click. If the checkbox is selected or deselected by means of a custom script, then the OnClick even it not triggered.
Benefits: Better flexibility when attaching custom behavior to checkboxes.
Use cases: App creator wants some specific behavior to take place when a user clicks a checkbox, but not when the checkbox is automatically checked or unchecked via other events.
- Notification Editor
Conditional and repeatable blocks are now available for use within notification templates. The conditional block allows users to create a template that has information that changes based on the values of an expression. The repeatable block allows list data to be added in a template.
Benefits: Much greater flexibility for users when configuring notifications.

Screenshot 10: Notification properties in Aurachain
- Inserting new lines before and after complex objects in documents
To improve the user experience of Document Builder, you can now add new lines before and after complex objects, such as tables, conditional blocks, or repeatable blocks. This allows you to insert additional text when required.
Benefits: Improved user experience when working with complex objects in document templates.
Use cases: When two or multiple blocks/tables are placed next to each other, it is now much easier to target the space between them.

Screenshot 11: Conditional document blocks in Aurachain
- Task List performance improvements
The task list now loads faster, even in complex scenarios that involve multiple delegations and complex team structures.
- IOS Browser Support
The consumption areas of the Aurachain platform are now supported on iOS browsers.
- Platform Design
A lot of minor visual tweaks have been made throughout the platform to create a more consistent experience.