Aurachain v3.4.0 – Release Notes
Release note highlights:
- New expose API functionality
- End users can now upload documents with drag & drop straight into a task UI
- Revamped user dashboard
- New team dashboard for managers
- Turn around time statistics for deeper insights into your apps
And now for a more detailed look at the changes:
All About The Apps
We’ve really gone to work on the different ways you interact with your apps. Whether you’re creating them, updating them or checking on the state of them – you’ll find a whole host of improvements and new functionalities to get excited about:
- When creating a new app, you will now be properly shown if you already have an existing app with the same name. Simple, but helpful.
- Searching through existing applications has become much easier, too. Just start typing the name into the search bar on your applications page and it will begin filtering the options. You don’t have to type the full name.
- Want to archive an application? Now you can. We know, we know. How did we miss this one, right?
- You will also experience improved general performance when you have a large number of apps to manage (50+).
We’re working on some new possibilities when it comes to updating your apps, too.
Full disclosure – this is still in an experimental stage; but let us know if you encounter any issues. We’re really excited about this and can’t wait until it’s ready for prime time:
- Rollbacks in case of failed updates have been introduced. You can now update your apps and if something fails, it will revert to the previous version.
Introducing: Expose API
First off, the existing API activity has been renamed Call API. Why did we do this? Because we’ve introduced a whole new API activity: Expose API.
With this new activity, you can:
- Build a process that waits for an external system to call and configure what will happen next.
- Define the message that the app expects.
- Set validation rules that, if evaluated as true, will reject the message and wait for a valid request.
- Establish routing rules that, when evaluated as true, will continue down a certain path or towards a certain target. You can also set a default path or target.
- Select which Client Credentials have access to the Exposed API.
You’ll also find building apps that involve APIs is a much easier process, thanks to an overhaul that includes some pretty neat features (if we do say so ourselves):
- When adding a new ‘Start from external source’, you’re now met with an easy to use step-by-step wizard to help you through the process.
- You can set rules that validate the data of the request. This allows you to setup mandatory fields so that the app will only start instances when data is valid.
- Apps can include multiple ‘Start from external source’ points.
- You can also set multiple Client Credentials for each ‘Start from external source’ point.
Revamped: User Dashboard
You may remember that we changed a few things on the Dashboard in the 3.3 update. Well, this time we’ve gone bananas and completely reworked the Charts and the Task List.
Out go the ‘Tasks Priority’ and ‘Tasks Status Overview’ charts which (let’s face it) weren’t very useful…
In comes the productivity chart – built so that users can assess how their week, month or year is going. A given period can also be shown against other periods, to show a comparison for things like number of completed tasks. Feel free to play with it but remember to go back to something productive!
We’ve also redesigned the Task list. You can still do everything you could before, but now you will find more options for sorting tasks combined with a better look and feel.
New: Team Dashboard
For those of you who manage teams and are keen to get a performance overview; we’ve got you covered with this new addition.
The Team Dashboard is built to give a similar view as the revamped User Dashboard. It gives you:
- A productivity chart, which by default will display the average number of tasks completed by team members. You can compare the team average with a specific period and compare the team average with the performance of individual team members.
- A total task count split by deadline thresholds.
- A task list that includes all the tasks assigned to the team or team members. The team manager can un-claim and reassign tasks directly from the list. You can also open each task on the list, so that you can assess why is it over the deadline or what kind of task a team member is doing.
Turn Around Time Statistics
Are you thinking, “But what about Reports? Did you leave them out?”
No chance. We gave them a boost too, with some brand-new filters and statistics, granting you higher levels of insight on your apps than you’ve ever had before.
Turn Around Time (TAT) statistics are fresh out of the oven and they smell great! You can now see TAT statistics for:
- A specific period, such as last week, last month, etc.
- End-to-end TAT stats for every app.
- Activity-specific TAT.
- And even Approval Matrix Level TAT.
You can also compare one period with another, so you can see how performance measures up between them.
Also new in the Reports section is a ‘contains’ option that allows you to filter your apps using String data model attributes.
Improved Diagram and UI Components
To make things easier to navigate, we’ve made the following change to how Activities behave in the Diagrams module:
- When clicking on a diagram activity, the side menu will open and scroll to the corresponding card.
A couple of alterations to the User Interface Builder will also make for a much smoother experience:
- A new ‘Upload’ input allows the end users of your apps to drag & drop a file in the UI assigned to a task, with visual feedback to confirm a successful upload.
- ‘Select’ and ‘Multiselect’ now allows for the sorting of values. It also checks if you have duplicate values when setting it up in the UI Builder.
Redesigned Tasks Area
In the Tasks area, we have redesigned the all existing Task Lists.
That includes the To-Do Task List and the Completed Tasks List, as well as the addition of the new Team Task List.
Renovated Task Windows
If the redesign of the Tasks Area wasn’t enough, we’ve also given Task Windows a makeover:
- Documents now look better. You can easily differentiate between document types by color coding. On top of that, documents now open in new tabs instead of being downloaded.
- Comments section also got a new and improved design.
- When hitting the ‘Submit’ button in a task, you will receive a visual notification that the decision you are making will end the process.
Process Inspector
Process Inspector has gotten a couple of positive tweaks. You can now:
- Terminate one or multiple instances.
- See a detailed audit of all documents (when they were uploaded, when they were generated and by whom). You can also download them, either as individual documents or all at once.
Small improvements have also been made on how the Cards look when selected.