Aurachain v3.9.0- Release Notes
RELEASE DATE: 16 – November – 2020
Welcome to Aurachain 3.9.0. We’ve made some tweaks and improvements under the hood in this version to make your Aurachain experience even better than before. We also added a few new functionalities to help you gain more control over your business processes.
What’s New?
We are proud to announce that we have a new and enhanced Reports area!
Introducing a new and better design (we hope we are on the same page with that ????) we solved some inconvenient experiences like using many clicks to get a result or navigate through countless modals that made the user difficult to understand and use the existing features.
So, in other words, the area was deeply redesigned in order to be much easier to use and to accommodate new features such as:
- Save filters
- Share filters
- Filter favorites
- Table view with added flavors:
- View assignees
- Add Data Model columns
- Reorder columns
- Auto-saved preferences
- Separated tabs for Instances and Running Tasks
- Collapsible sidebar
- Improved Export:
- Individual export for Instances and Tasks
- Exported in Excel file and with value types considered in output file
- Export request can be cancelled
- Auto-saved preferences
- Quickly switch from task to the instance and vice-versa
- Reassign all tasks at once
…and many more improvements which we will let you discover for yourself.
- The delegation feature allows any user to re-route incoming tasks to another employee. If a user is out of the office, that user can delegate responsibilities to other users for a period of time.
This very useful feature can be accessed at all times by any user from his “My Account” section.
Once the tasks are delegated to a designated user, they will be distinguished visually with a blue stripe on each task card in the respective user’s task list.
Don’t worry all delegated tasks will still appear in both, delegated user and delegator task list because we wanted to offer our users total transparency and flexibility.
- All delegations will be accounted for in the platform’s timeline.
- The stakeholders involved in the delegation flow will receive constant email notifications if any changes occur like a delegation is either canceled or if it expires.
Also, in this case, all delegated and unclaimed tasks will go back to the original assignee (the delegator).
Two Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Aurachain credentials designed to ensure that you’re the only person who can access the platform, even if someone knows your password.
This feature is entirely optional and it can only be turned on, as per your business requirements, by the System Admin.
The classic authentication approach for web applications requires a user to enter a username and password. However, things like password reuse, poorly encrypted passwords, social hacking, and hacked databases make even a secure password vulnerable. By requiring users to add a second factor to their authentication flow, an Aurachain account with a compromised password will still be secure, by asking users to provide a one-time validation code received via SMS.
Mobile phone 2FA is the industry standard, as most people carry their mobile phones at all times. It’s a user-friendly flow, and dynamically generated passcodes are safe to use and users can receive special tokens through SMS.
Help Centre
The Aurachain Help Centre is a public website that users can visit to find the answers they need about the Aurachain product. This particular feature will “follow” you throughout the platform.
We added the Help Centre on every single UI you could navigate to, just to be always at one click away in helping you when needed.
It’s a well-organized presentation of our knowledge base here at Aurachain, easily searchable and containing articles, and instructions of digestible length.
State Management
For the past month, we have worked diligently to uniform the behavior of every module throughout the platform.
- Saving behavior has been improved in the Application Settings area and in the User Interface Builder module.
- These are quality of life improvements. Ensures better visibility of what changes are made in the UI Builder.
- Reordered interface settings fields for easier and more natural interaction. Speeds up UI building.
Let’s look at it from another perspective. What seems like a small step for now it is actually a big leap into the next big thing we are actively preparing called Versioning.
- We updated the Metamask integration with scripting capabilities to expand the overall logic.
- All blockchain events will be discoverable in both Process Inspector timeline as well as in the Task interface timeline.
- All instance blockchain events will be visible in the platform’s process inspector for easy access.
Other Improvements to better the Aurachain platform
- Images can be added with this new release directly from the data model.
- Users are able to set a task deadline using fields from the application’s data model.
- System admins can keep track starting now of the last loggings of the Aurachain users.
- Users can now see all apps in the application filter in Dashboard or My tasks lists.